Wednesday, May 4, 2011

H()W T() B€COM£ MOR€ ¡NT€LL¡G£NT TH@N Y()U @R€ N()W.

This article done by me, is to help you build up yourself and make you feel important where ever you find yourself.
Do you ever feel dumb around other people? Are you embarrased when you don't know the answer to your lecturer's question?.
Everybody has those times when they just feel like they dont know anything. Of course, you cant know everything, but no matter how smart you are, you can start becoming more intelligent today.

Here are the steps i deviced and i know it would be very helpful to you, as you read this article take up a pen and a piece of paper and jot down the points and practice them, and you will see that there is a turn around in your life entirely..

1. IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY : Much of what is generally considered intelligence today is simply the ability to remember things well. You can improve your ability to retain and recall memories in a variety of ways, using Mnenomics and by paying more attention to details.

2. STUDY MORE EFFECTIVELY : If you find yourself at a loss when your teacher or lecturer puts you on the spot, or if you perform poorly on Exams, you may not be studying enough, even if you study alot, improving your study skills can make a big difference.

3. READ A LOT : Everything that human know can be found in prints, whether in books, magazine or on the internet. Become a viracious reader and you'll expose yourself to more ideas and information. If you are not a slow reader, consider learning speed reading, consider joting down notes, and perhaps looking up a word or two in the dictionary.

4. VISIT THE LIBRARY : Sometimes, go to the library and pick up anything which looks interesting to you, the subject is not quite as important as in the act of reading. Always have something to read at hand.

5. BE MORE CURIOUS : How do some people get to know much? Good memory skills are only the answer; you also have to be curious. If you are satisfied going through life with little or no understanding of things you are unfamiliar with, you wont learn much. Make a concious effort to be more curious by reminding yourself that developing your curiousity will broaden your horizon and help to make you more intelligent.

6. FIGURE OUT THINGS ON YOUR OWN : There is a lot more to intelligence than" Book smarts". We can all learn to perform everyday task at work, home, and school better and more intelligently, if you dont know how to do something, resist the urge to ask someone else to do it for you or show you how, try to figure it out on your own. Most importantly, you'll exercise your problem solving skills instead of your " do as you are told" skills.

7. TEACH OTHERS : In order to teach something to somebody else, you've got to know it pretty well. When you try to explain an idea or skill to somebody else, you will not only remember it better yourself, you will also find that the other persons questions will help you really know what you're talking about.

8. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH INTELLIGENT PEOPLE : Dont get stucked up with dullants, Being around people that are smarter than you can help you become more knowledgeable.

HERE ends this article, i believe it will help you change your reasoning and attitude. Thanks for reading.

Add me on facebook on my link section and leave a comment at the comment box if u have any question to ask, it will be perfectly entertained....


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